BHOF 2025 Rules and Regulations
The following are the complete rules for applying for the 2025 Weekender. Please read carefully, as they have been extensively revised for 2024.
Opening of application and rule updates
- Applications are considered officially “open” when the Burlesque Hall of Fame publishes — via mailing list, website, social media, or otherwise — a statement to that effect.
- These current rules will be published in conjunction with application opening, and remain in effect throughout the 2024 Weekender. The current rules replace and supersede any and all previous rules.
- In the unlikely event that a critical rule change — defined as “essential to the function of the applications, evaluation system, or clarity of rules” – is necessary after applications have opened, we will clearly indicate in this section of the rules what changes have been made. Once applications are open, any non–essential rule suggestions and non–essential changes are held for discussion for inclusion in subsequent years.
Requirements, eligibility of entries, and submission of materials
- Age: You must be 21 years of age or older (as of May 31, 2025) to apply or participate. (This is also noted in the Legal Compliance section.)
- Application: All applications for the 2025 Weekender will be submitted online through TroupeIT.
- Fees: Application fee payments must be completed within the online application system, through TroupeIt’s payment provider. No other payment method will be accepted. The application fee is not tax–deductible. Fees for 2024 are $29 per application if submitted before Friday, December 27, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST and $39 per application if submitted by Sunday, January 23, 2024 at 11:59 PM PST. Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 11:59 PM PST
- Membership: A valid BHoF membership (at any level) is required at the time of the application submission. For acts featuring more than one performer, only the Main Contact Person named in the application must be a member.
- Deadline: The application deadline is Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 11:59 PM PST. The online application system is closed at that time, and will not allow applications to be submitted or updated.
- Performance dates and your availability:
The 2025 Weekender will take place over
four days and nights from June 5th, 2025 to June 8th, 2025.
- The Weekender Schedule (including which events occur on which nights) is subject to change up until the time acceptance letters are sent.
- If accepted to perform during the Weekender, your acceptance letter will indicate the night you are being asked to perform. If you are unable to attend on that night, your performance cannot be switched to another night.
- Completeness of application: All fields in the application form are required unless otherwise indicated. The online application system will not accept entries that are incomplete due to any blank fields; however, the online system does not check for completeness of these fields. (For instance, it can check that a phone number has not been entered, but it won’t be able to determine if a phone number is wrong or incomplete.) Please check your application for accuracy before submitting.
- Changes to application: Except for updating your account information, once submitted, the application cannot be changed.
- Changes to tech requirements: If accepted, you will be asked to finalize your tech requirements at a date closer to the event. Small changes to tech requirements are permissible but your act cannot be significantly different from how it is described in your application and showcased in your video. Final authority over changes is at BHoF’s discretion.
- Confirmation of application submission: When your application is successfully submitted, you will see a confirmation screen and your status on the main application dashboard will be updated. This will serve as confirmation that your entry has been properly submitted.
- Timing of entries: All entries within the application period will receive equal evaluation. There is a discounted application fee for early payment, but earlier entries do not receive special consideration. Therefore, take the time you need to submit the best application possible.
- False accounts: BHoF and the Selection Committee reserve the right to delete or remove from consideration any application accounts that are deemed to be false, misleading, spam, or otherwise not representative of an actual performer intending to submit a legitimate application.
- Ineligibility:
- Weekender Roles: When accepting certain weekender roles, you agree to be ineligible to apply for a set amount of time. Tournament Judges and Selection Committee are ineligible to apply the same year they serve, plus one additional year (if you did either in 2023, you will be eligible to apply again for the 2025 weekender); Tournament Judges and Selection Committee, Producers, Stage Managers, Stage Crew, and Emcees are ineligible to apply or compete the same year they serve. are ineligible to apply to compete for one additional year (if you emceed or produced in 2023, you will be eligible to apply to compete again for the 2025.)
- Titleholders: The following titles can only be won once: M– Exotic World (M–EW), Best Small Group, and Best Large Group. Titleholders in these categories cannot compete for the same title again.
- 1st and 2nd Runner Up M–EW Titleholders are eligible to compete for M–EW
- “Best Boylesque” winners are eligible to compete for M–EW
- Winners of “Best Duo” (awarded through 2013) are not eligible to compete in the Small Group Category
- Winners of “Best Troupe” or “Best Group” (awarded through 2015) are not eligible to compete in the Large Group Category
- Superlative Titles (e.g. “Most Innovative,” “Most Classic,” “Most Dazzling”, “Most Comedic”) have no effect on eligibility status for any title
Entry fee
- Application fee: Every act submitted requires a separate, non–refundable application fee, payable through TroupeIT. Application fees are not tax–deductible.
- Deadline for application fee: Submission of application and payment before the early bird deadline will receive a discount on the application fee. Early bird pricing and final deadlines are noted at the top of the application.
- Fee credit to application: The fee will be automatically credited to the application it is initiated from.
Applicant tickets
- Purchase of weekend tickets/passes: If accepted to perform during the Weekender, performers receive backstage access for the night of their performance only. They must purchase tickets and/or Weekender Passes to attend the other shows, or to reserve a seat for their performance night. Single tickets are not tax deductible. Weekender passes are not tax deductible for regular levels (general admission/premium/VIP) but there is a "VIP + donation" option in which the donation portion is tax deductible.
- Applicant presale tickets: As BHoF members, applicants who successfully submit their application by the deadline are offered a chance to purchase up to two discounted Weekender passes before sales open to the general public. The non–transferrable discount is for applicants only, and we reserve the right to cancel transactions due to unauthorized discounts.
Categories, time limits, props, and multiple–category applicants
- Main contact person: Each performing entity (soloist or group) must have a Main Contact Person ("MCP") with an account on the TroupeIt system, who is responsible for completing and submitting the application. Soloists must be their own MCP, the MCP for a group can be any member of that group (including someone also applying as a soloist), but must be the SAME member of the group for both applications if more than one is submitted.
- Application accounts: The TroupeIt system accepts multiple applications per user account, up to the limits specified in this section of the rules. Each MCP needs only one user account.
- Limit to entries: Each performing entity (a soloist or group) can submit up to two entries per category.
- Time limits: Solo acts must be four minutes or less; group acts must be five minutes or less. This amount of time — 4:00 (solo) or 5:00 (group) — applies to both Showcase and Tournament performances. Application video submissions cannot be more than one (1:00) minute longer than the category limit. The Selection Team is no longer able to evaluate portions of longer videos.
- Props: Please avoid using props that take a
significant amount of on–stage setup/breakdown
time. (Backstage setup/breakdown is acceptable, but once the prop is onstage, setup should be quick to avoid taking up time that could be allotted to another performer.) You are responsible for all aspects of props (outside of stage handling during your performance, this includes any and all costs associated with building, transporting, renting or set–up of your prop.
- BHoF will not rent any equipment on your behalf, cover any freight costs, or provide extra labor for your setup.
- Solo Acts: The Showcase and Tournament both present solo acts. The Tournament includes two soloist categories, both of which are open to all genders:
- “Best Debut” (open only to those who have NEVER performed as a soloist at the in–person BHoF Weekender)
- “M– Exotic World” (open only to those who HAVE previously performed as a soloist at the in–person BHoF Weekender)
- If selected for the tournament, you will be placed in the applicable category based on your response to the “I have previously/never performed as a soloist at the in–person BHoF Weekender” question.
- While required for all applicants, this information is not used in the evaluation of “Showcase Only” applications.
- Additional onstage personnel — choosing the Solo vs. Group category:
- For the solo category, additional visible personnel may be allowed on–stage during your act provided their time on stage does not exceed 15 seconds total. Additional visible personnel must be BHoF stagehands or BHoF stage kittens; alternative personnel may be approved by BHoF producers on a case–by–case basis. If additional visible personnel must be on–stage for longer than 15 seconds, apply as a group.
- Groups must provide a headcount in the application as well as legal names; no additional personnel may be added to the act after it is submitted. A one–for–one substitution may be allowed by BHoF if it does not change the concept of the act. All such requests will only be granted at the BHoF's discretion and if the request is made in writing (email is acceptable) no later than 14 days before the performance date. If you need to reduce your group size after the application is submitted, please contact BHoF for approval.
- Per the Final Decisions section of the rules, the Selection Committee and BHoF reserve the right to re–categorize acts if deemed necessary.
- If your act requires a non–visible assistant, then please note it in the "props" question on the Tech Info page. If this person's role is something that one of the crew members can do, the show producers reserve the right to use the crew instead.
M– Exotic World & Titleholder Statement of Intent
In receiving a title, especially M– Exotic World (“M–EW”), you become a lifelong ambassador for The Burlesque Hall of Fame, with a real opportunity to do good for the museum and for the burlesque community as a whole. To help you make the most of your year in the spotlight as MEW, BHoF has created an agreement between the museum and the winner of the MEW titleholder, spelling out the rights and responsibilities of the role and how the organization can support you.
These responsibilities may include:
- Developing and executing a project of benefit to the museum, the community, or the art of burlesque as a whole;
- Creating regular updates for social media and BHoF’s website about your progress throughout your “reigning” year;
- Representing BHoF at events and in media;
- Creating a fundraiser for BHoF or the Legends Challenge; and
- Engaging with our burlesque legends in some regular way. If accepted to compete for the title of M–EW, you will be asked to complete a short “Statement of Intent” outlining how you hope to use your position, if you win the title, to benefit BHoF, the burlesque community, and/or the art of burlesque. This statement will not be read or considered until after the winner is named, and will have no impact on judging, but rather will act as your reference in developing whatever projects you undertake with BHoF during your reigning year.
- Continuing to advocate for and support BHoF beyond your reigning year.
Appropriateness of acts and act elements
- Prohibited substances: Fire, liquid, mylar confetti, oils, loose glitter of any kind, silicone based lubricants, and food are strictly prohibited. These substances are either banned by the venue or have repeatedly proven to create a dangerous stage environment, and so, for the safety of all performers, they are no longer permitted.
- Music requirements: Music for acts must be pre–recorded. If musical instruments have been approved as an integral part of the act, performers must be able to carry the instruments(s) and related equipment on and off stage themself, and without needing to sound check. You may contact us while working on your application to confirm if it’s permissible and feasible.
- Originality of material: All acts must be your own work and artistry. We reserve the right to take punitive steps (up to and including dismissal or award revocation) if we determine an act violates this due to demonstrable, deliberate, and overwhelming similarity to a previously existing act.
- Compensation and responsibility for additional costs: By performing, you agree that you are donating your time and talent to raise funds for the Burlesque Hall of Fame museum and will not receive any compensation from the Burlesque Hall of Fame. Additionally, you are responsible for all costs relating to performing your act during the Weekender, including but not limited to: travel and lodging; shipping of materials; etc. If your act is accepted to perform at the Weekender and requires any "special handling" or gear beyond what we offer to all other applicants, you agree to bear that cost.
- Nevada state laws: The Burlesque Hall of Fame Pageant/Weekender has adult themes and all participants must abide by all Nevada laws.
- Limitations on full nudity and lewdness: Full
nudity is prohibited and coverings such as pasties and
G–strings must be worn at all times. Specifically:
- ALL performers, are required to fully cover their genitals and anus with an article of clothing while on–stage.
- For ALL performers, regardless of gender or gender presentation, areolas must be fully covered by pasties or clothing at all times while on–stage.
- ANY incorporation of full nudity, or explicit sexual imagery (real or simulated) are prohibited onstage.
- Failure to follow any of the above will result in immediate disqualification from the competition and removal from the show, and the performer shall be excluded from the Burlesque Hall of Fame performance opportunities for a time to be determined at the discretion of the Weekender Executive Team.
Photo submissions
If selected to perform during the 2025 Weekender, the production team will request a high–resolution photo for use in the souvenir program.
- Program design and suitability of photographs:
Program designers have the final decision about use of
photos in the program. If selected, you agree to provide us with a photo that meets the following guidelines:
- Solo performers: Please submit two (2) options, one portrait, showing your face/head in good light, one full body. Performance nudity restrictions (above) apply to all photos.
- Groups: Please submit a single photo which contains all members of the group. Photos where the group is clustered together (rather than spread out) tend to look better.
- Must be hi–res (at least 300dpi at 8” wide — minimum 2400 pixels wide)
Photos do not have to be professionally shot, but they will be used in the program, so they should show you at your best. - Must not be watermarked in any way.
- You must have rights to the photo. By submitting the photo, you grant BHoF indefinite permission to use the photo for promotional use, both in print and online, and edited/cropped at the discretion of BHoF or its designers. While BHoF makes every effort to credit the photographer when possible, space limitations make this unlikely for the souvenir program. Please confirm with the photographer that you have authority to assign these rights before submitting the photo. BHoF may accommodate written requests for revocation of the use of your photograph at its discretion.
- Photo does not have to depict the act you are performing.
Video Submissions
- Video Length: Your video submission cannot be more than one (1:00) minute longer than the category limit. The Selection Committee is no longer able to evaluate portions of longer videos.
- Required performance footage: Performance footage of the specific act that you are submitting for consideration is REQUIRED in all applications. This is the single most important part of the application.
- Please note: Your video will be evaluated based on the quality of the act, and not the production values (sound, lighting, editing, etc.), but make sure it meets basic reasonable watchability standards. Videos should be in landscape mode (wide), you should be visible (if the adjudicators can’t see the act, they can’t evaluate it), and clearly showcase the qualities of your performance you think are most important.
- Filming location has no effect on evaluation. We have seen videos filmed in a living room that "bring it," and we’ve also seen professionally–shot videos that did not present an act to its best advantage — the video should showcase you, your talent, and what makes your act special.
- Title/description of videos: To assist the Selection Committee, you are encouraged to be descriptive with your online video title. Watermarking the video with your name and act title is extremely helpful but not required.
Web links and Viewability
- Performance footage link: A link to an online video hosting platform such as YouTube or Vimeo is preferable. While not forbidden, we have found that links to videos on your personal website or server, or a storage service such Google Drive or Dropbox have proven significantly less reliable, and some evaluators have had difficulty accessing them. Please triple check your link, including outside your home country as the Selection Committee may include international evaluators.
- Your online video should be publicly viewable without any restrictions. Selection Committee members will NOT view pages that require them to join, search, browse, upload/download, or otherwise perform additional work in order to find and view your content.
- Please try to avoid requiring a password or login; if you would like your video to be not viewable or searchable by the public, most video platforms have a setting that allows this. (Example: YouTube, "viewable only by people who have the URL.") If you feel very strongly about requiring a password, then please indicate this preference, and the password, in the "Video Notes” field.
- Consider using a free URL shortening service such as to shorten your links, reducing chances of error.
- Your online video should be publicly viewable without any restrictions. Selection Committee members will NOT view pages that require them to join, search, browse, upload/download, or otherwise perform additional work in order to find and view your content.
- Broken links: If your link does not work, the Selection Committee will be unable to evaluate your application, so quadruple check your link before submitting. In the event a link is discovered to be broken, BHoF may, at its discretion, contact you for a replacement. It is in your best interest to supply this as quickly as possible, as consideration is not guaranteed in this situation.
- Continued availability of video: For all applicants, your online video must be viewable at least until we have published the full list of performers for 2024. Accepted acts are asked to keep the video online until after the Weekender is over to facilitate tech preparation.
Non–competitive participation
- Non–competitive performance opportunities are available. These are subject to the same adjudication process as competitive slots, Please indicate your preference in the appropriate spot in the application.
Performance exclusivity
- Applicants who are offered a spot to perform at the
Weekender in any capacity (competitive or
noncompetitive) agree to not perform in any other
capacity in the Las Vegas metropolitan area for a
period of ten days before the start of the Weekender and
seven days after the end of the Burlesque Hall of Fame
Pageant Weekender. This rule applies to the group as a
whole and the individuals performing in the group.
- Exceptions may be granted to performers who live in the Las Vegas area and are already part of an existing show, e.g. Cirque du Soleil. If this applies to you, please contact us at
Photography, videography, and livestream at the event
- Personal photography: BHoF permits personal photography at the Weekender; if selected to perform, you agree that BHoF is not responsible for those photographs and you release BHoF from any liability in how those photographs are used.
- Videography: BHoF does not allow personal
videography of the stage performances at the
Weekender. BHoF films performances for its own
archive; if you are selected to perform, you agree
- BHoF may use your likeness from this footage for its promotional purposes, indefinitely; and
- Your right to perform on–site is contingent upon signing a release for this.
- Livestream: To maximize fundraising for the museum and to make the event as widely accessible as possible, BHoF may livestream any or all shows during the Weekender. By agreeing to perform, you grant permission for BHoF to livestream or otherwise transmit your performance for additional fundraising purposes.
- Third–party videography: In some cases, BHoF explicitly grants permission to third parties (such as credentialed members of the press) for limited videography . Third–party video teams are responsible for obtaining their own releases when applicable. Your performing at the event constitutes agreement to this and a full release of responsibility in how this footage may be used.
Legal compliance and indemnification
- All applicants and participants must be 21 years of age or older at the time of performance.
- All applicants and participants agree to abide by Nevada state law regarding nudity and appropriateness as described elsewhere in these rules.
- All participants must sign an on–site safety waiver in order to perform or compete.
- In applying to participate in this event, you grant Burlesque Hall of Fame and its assignees irrevocable permission to use your name, likeness, and performance for unlimited promotional use.
- All participants agree to take full responsibility for themselves and the act they are performing. All participants agree to hold the Burlesque Hall of Fame and any of its representatives blameless for any accident, injury, or loss that might occur due to their participation in this event, and free from all liability for accidents, injuries, or losses.